Google’s spokesperson Sundar Pichai has said, “Google Lens is a set of vision based computing capabilities, that can understand what you looking at and help you take action based on that information.” Which is, in the future Google is planning to embed Google Lens AI in the smartphone and thus your smartphone can understand what your camera see and help you to take action in a meaningful way.
Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)
For the successful completeness of Google Lense, Google is building the AI first data centers for the machine learning. Still google is using AI first data centers for the voice recognition, automatic replaying of Gmails, Google image search and so on. Google is rethinking on their current machine learning and AI based computational architecture for building Google Lens. In the last year, google has launched the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) developed for machine learning and also been used in RankBrain which Google used to provide search results. A Tensor Processing Unit is capable of computing over 100 million images per day and 15 to 30 time faster and 30 to 80 time more power efficient than a central processing unit (CPU) or Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).