When the platform officially launched over a year ago, all Windows Phones at the time were deemed as high class smartphones, partly because of Microsoft’s stringent hardware requirements. Now that Microsoft’s mobile platform has a solid year under its belt, it’s primed to explode even further with the latest class of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango devices. The Samsung Focus Flash is right there to get the party started for AT&T. Flaunting a fabulous $49.99 on-contract price, it’s sure to get some attention with its affordable cost, but let’s hope that it’ll shine just as magnificently as some of the juggernauts in the Windows Phone camp.
The package contains:
When the platform officially launched over a year ago, all Windows Phones at the time were deemed as high class smartphones, partly because of Microsoft’s stringent hardware requirements. Now that Microsoft’s mobile platform has a solid year under its belt, it’s primed to explode even further with the latest class of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango devices. The Samsung Focus Flash is right there to get the party started for AT&T. Flaunting a fabulous $49.99 on-contract price, it’s sure to get some attention with its affordable cost, but let’s hope that it’ll shine just as magnificently as some of the juggernauts in the Windows Phone camp.
- Samsung Focus Flash
- microUSB cable
- Wall Charger
- Stereo Headphones
- Quick Start Guide
- Health & Safety and Warranty Guide
For its price, we’re amazed to tell you the truth that Samsung is able to construct a device that resonates with some quality traits to make the Focus Flash such an appreciable little guy. Compact and lightweight (4.1 oz) in form, the handset employs an understated design thanks to its hard lines and angular cutouts, which all combine together to offer an easy on the hand feel. Moreover, despite the fact that its comprised out of plastic, it has a metal battery cover.
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